Blaire Hawes
Photographer / Blaire Hawes / @imagesbyclairecatherine
Phoenix, Arizona
© Blaire Hawes
Can you tell us about yourself?
I am a self taught fine art and editorial photographer from Phoenix, Arizona. I am a mother of 3 girls, ages 9, 7 and 4. My middle child is on the Autism Spectrum and this has dynamically changed my gaze as an artist. I am a lover of art and science, and love to aid in philanthropic endeavors, mostly having to do with animals and neurodiveristy.
© Blaire Hawes
How do you define photography?
Snapshot of real time.
© Blaire Hawes
Did you dream of something else when you (were grown up)? How did everything start?
No, I am a classically trained Ballerina. My goal from age 2 was to become a professional ballet dancer. I was injured at age 19 and had to stop. Fashion has always played a role in my life, and I studied the iconic images of the 90s. Sally Mann, Mark Borthwick and Helmut Newton were my main focus of film study. Physically taking images was something that I started about 8 years ago as a way of creative outlet and to document my children and their lives. I find beauty in the mundane day to day things we have to do. I have always been fascinated by light, and would ask my parents to let me watch sunsets and be outside during golden hour as a child. When I began taking photographs of people, I realized that there was lack of professionals who would take the time to photograph people of disability. It was in that moment, I knew that this was my calling. I have made it my mission to gift quality images to families with children of terminal illness, and also with developmental and physical disabilities. I do that for free while I pursue my love of fashion imagery.
© Blaire Hawes
What is the meaning of the word PASSION to you?
That feeling that if you stopped, you would die. This is how I feel about taking photos. It gives me life.
© Blaire Hawes
Since the photography techniques and equipment change quickly, it is important to stay up-to-date. What do you do to always keep up with the times?
Study, and then study some more. I can't get enough books on the photograph. I do not like to be typically "on trend." I religiously to study techniques used in past fashion images, so that should my "new" things break I can still rely on what I have on hand.
© Blaire Hawes
Which one is your favorite lens and why do you prefer it?
I love my simple 50mm prime. It's light, and it gives me excellent tight portraits.
© Blaire Hawes
Who influenced you the most? Is there any other photographer that you considers as a kind of idol?
My children have influenced me the most. The most influential photographer of our time I would say, is Sally Mann. Her work speaks to me as she documented her life as it was, and often was shamed for it.
© Blaire Hawes
In your free time, what kind of pictures do you like to shoot?
I have an ongoing series called #sixclicks It is of my daughter who is on the Autism Spectrum.
© Blaire Hawes
What, in your opinion, is most important to consider while shooting portrait pictures?
Raw Emotion.
© Blaire Hawes
What has been your favourite place or subject to photograph? Children. They are the purest form of expressive freedom.