Elena Van Melkebeek

Lede | Belgium


When I started studying, I expected to learn technical skills and different styles, but I got much more than that. I met interesting people, such as my colleagues, teachers, and models, and I realized how vast, deep, and unlimited the world of photography is. I learned various genres, and I love to switch between these styles, but my favorite is portrait photography. People fascinate me immensely; for me, they are an inexhaustible theme. I genuinely believe that every person is a beautiful being, regardless of shape, age, skin color, or character. Through the lens, I can express the feelings, thoughts of my subjects, and my own. As a photographer, I can build a strong bond with the people I photograph, capturing their emotions and stories while sharing my own experiences and perspectives. Every time I click, I have the opportunity to explore and preserve the human experience, and to tell a powerful visual story that resonates with others. Photography is not just a way for me to be creative, but also a way to connect with the world around me and discover my own inner world.