Iconic Artist

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Daria Bielienkov

Poznań | Poland


I was born on September 19, 1985 in a small town in the South-Western part of Poland, Lwówek Śląski. Since childhood, I remember how interested I was in art, in its broadest sense. I also remember going to drawing courses and to a neighbor artist who told me a lot of interesting things and taught me to draw. A few years ago, a camera accidentally fell into my hands, and I saw that with its help I can create pictures that I have lived in my mind. I instantly realized that I want to show the world from another perspective, not as real as it actually is. Therefore I use a wide-angle lens in my work that allows me to focus on the main thing from a short distance, it increases what is already big, or makes a person's face more beautiful, or vice versa, shows more than we can show. I take my portraits 20-30 cm distance from the model, and I always use a flash, so people are surprised from the beginning, they feel awkward, and I really like this moment when I see this result. Professionally, my goal is learning to work with myself to find a common language between my inner world and the audience. Personally, photography is a way to deal with my own problems, situations and challenges that life confronts me. For I am a very closed and shy person, and the camera gives me the opportunity to resist it, feeling that I can do more with it. It is also a moment when I can be alone with my thoughts, immersed in myself and a way to demonstrate my opinion on a lot of exciting issues that arise in the modern world.  As the artist should take on the role of an intermediary, using its work to introduce people to problems and help them understand themselves and the world around them. The motives of my work always live in my head and they are closely connected with me. These are memories from my childhood, my fears and my Hobbies, these are people and their faces, memories of what they were like and how they changed.