Anna Marzia Soria

Bari | Italy


Anna Marzia Soria has always seen photography as a long-term dialogue with the soul. Reflections in image form. When she photographs, forgets the perception of time, and this is inevitably reflected in the performance of his shots. Everything happens simply and slowly, with the rhythms of natural light. She is fascinated by observing situations, people and landscapes trying to capture details, shapes and colours. She loves a type of minimal photography in which the approach to the representation of reality takes on a more anthropological and artistic slant, sometimes documentary and in which the interaction between the natural world and the human world, even in a more conceptual sense, are at the center of his photographic story, in a dimension almost of dreamlike suspension. She participated in some photography workshops with Uliano Lucas, Marcello Carrozzo, Cristina Nunez and Mario Cresci. Finalist and winner in several international photography competitions, she has published in online and paper photography magazines, is present with her portfolio on Photovogue and LFI and also at some exhibitions.