Amanda Waldeck

Heidelberg | Germany


My name is Amanda. I was born in Heidelberg and lived in Carinthia for 10 years. I taught myself photography a few years ago and like to try out different styles. Sometimes I'm inspired by the raw, dark, urban and minimalist where I see life. But often I am also drawn to the vast, colourful, exciting and vibrant surroundings. What often runs through my photos is the subtle visualisation of melancholy. I love to express feelings and emotions with my pictures and to depict people in their vulnerability, in their physical attraction, but also in their mental strength. I prefer to photograph in nature, as this is the most honest environment for me and can best reflect the human condition. Because we are nothing but nature, it gives me the answers to many of my existential questions and teaches me how to deal with my life issues. I love good conversation, good food, travelling a lot and meeting people at eye level. I feel at home very quickly when I am far away, my dream is to be able to call the whole world home one day.