Agnieszka Morawska

Lublin | Poland


I live in Lublin, Poland. I am an economist by trade. When my youngest daughter was two years old, the doctors discovered she had a heart defect. She had a surgery which fixed her heart, but she couldn't join pre-school for a long while after that.So I stayed home with her until she turned four. Like many of us, I've always enjoyed taking photos. During the extended maternity leave, whenever my daughter would take a nap, I'd sneak out into the garden to photograph flowers, bugs, and butterflies. I was documenting nature, which I've always been fascinated by. Macrophotography transported me to another world and gave me great joy. I felt I needed to learn more about this craft.Then, I enrolled in a course with the Lublin School of Photography. I met wonderful people who just like me were following their passion. The school opened up my eyes to other forms of photography, in particular focusing on the human aspect, which was regularly emphasised by the school director and our teacher. I started taking portraits, mostly of my youngest, Emily. She's my primary model. Occasionally, she'll find the patience to pose for me. Sometimes we even come up with set ideas together, treating it like a game. I still enjoy shooting nature and landscapes. I'm inspired by current photographers, even those lesser known, whose creations I follow through the Iconic Artist Magazine, among others. I dream of having more time to focus on my art, making more of my ideas come to life, and finally working as a photographer - in other words, doing what I love.