Claudio Rasano
Photographer / Claudio Rasano / @claudiorasanophoto
Basel, Switzerland

© Claudio Rasano
Can you tell us something about yourself?
I am a photographer from Basel,Switzerland. In 2016, I received the Taylor Wessing Photographic Prize and was the 2017 was selected in the top 5 of the Photovogue in Portraits exhibit. I have the honour to be awarded as a finalist for the Lensculture portrait award, awarded for Syngenta Photography, Unseen Instagram Competition 2017, Life 2017 and Framer WORLD TRAVELERS which was judged by Steve Mc Curry. My work explores the relationship between humans and landscape, the subject within a landscape and the landscape on its own. I have been told that I have a genuine and identifiable style that crosses documentary and fine art. I would describe myself as a collector, or, a hoarder of images with the determined vision of the experienced collector. Collecting and cataloguing people from similar backgrounds, circumstances and experiences. From Same place to Skin of Africa the gaze and instances I believe speak volumes. The portraits themselves have been taken in a consistent manner. I make sure that in each portrait the composition is pre-visualizing. There is a strong relationship between the environmental portraits and landscape images.

© Claudio Rasano
Since photography techniques and equipment change so quickly, it is important to stay up-to-date. What do you do to keep up with the times?
I don't: I go completely against the current and stick to my analogue technique.
© Claudio Rasano
What is the meaning of the word PASSION for you?
Passion for me means forgetting time and drift into a sense of eternity. That's the sense I get when I plunge into photography.
© Claudio Rasano
What camera do you use and which one is your favorite lenses and why?
Rolleiflex 6008 Professional and Hasselblad 500cm Body, 80 mm F2.8. My favorite lenses are 80 mm and 50 mm; it gives me the quality I am looking for.
© Claudio Rasano
Who influenced your work the most? Are there any other photographers that you would consider as an idol?
I do not really have idols, but I do admire the work of Michal Chelbin, Ken Hermann, Laura Pannack, Spencer Murphy, Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon.
© Claudio Rasano
What in your opinion, is most important to consider while shooting portraits?
Just be yourself. And always wait a while, until your counterpart feels confortable and its features start to relax.
© Claudio Rasano
Where has been your favourite place or subject been to photograph?
Certainly South Africa, but also Thailand, Albania, Serbia and Georgia.
© Claudio Rasano
Over the years, have you ever encounter people who were difficult to photograph?
No, on the contrary: People who I thought could be difficult, turned out to be easy to work with.
© Claudio Rasano
What made you decide to become a photographer?
I did not decide to become a photographer, it just happened. I used to constantly look at my grandmothers photo albums with the wonderful black and white photographes. I was so fascinated, that I started taking pictures myself – first of my grandmother, and then of all the people around me.
© Claudio Rasano
How much do you research your subjects before photographing them?
I never have a plan; the projects arise spontaneously by walking or driving by. Then I just stop and ask if can take some pictures.