Iconic Artist

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Irina Zoteeva

Solihull | United Kingdom


Hello, I’m Irina, an enthusiastic photographer, mum of twins, Iyengar yoga teacher and former engineer. Photography is my passion, fulfillment and happiness for my soul, connecting with people and the whole world. I’m proud to have my photos in VOGUE and in the top archive of SGUARDO.ART magazines and now in Iconic. I live in England, and I have little twin boys who inspired me to learn photography in depth. My passion is for photographing unity between people and nature, capturing naturally free moments and feelings on camera. I have engineering and fine art degrees which have given me the technical and creative skills to take inspiring photographs whilst still constantly growing and investing in my development as an artist. However, having a natural rapport with people enables me to put my subjects at ease and create a natural energy between each other and the camera.