Daniel Wochermayr
Rohrbach-Berg | Austria
The people are at the center of my pictures. I am the patient observer, the subtle producer, the honest portrayer. The camera sees you as you may never have seen yourself. Reflecting the value of each person in the value of the image. I take the time to stage your project and to authentically implement joint ideas. With a plan to work, I am always open to the fact that everything can change. Improvisation comes from improve - to improve oneself. The best images often come from letting things slide. Embracing the unpredictability of life and the beauty of spontaneity. This is how we create unforgettable photographic experiences together on the set. Shifting focus makes life interesting. An idea as a starting point for working together and creating special situations. Images that are not just a reflection of reality, but whose emotion jumps in your face every day. My approach is to reduce myself to a few aspects. Creating space through reduction so that something new can emerge. We want to capture special, unique, real moments - to see extraordinary, distinctive, real people.